
Friday, May 27, 2011

Kaluvan Scene #4 – Conflict Breakdown

[Summary of last scene:

Kaluvan, under the compulsion of his last vision, is still preaching the new Revelation to the crowd, as are other Oracles. They are all denouncing the Kinta’s lies in setting up a false worship, and suppressing the true Revelation.

The so-called Infidels had infiltrated the Oracles with their own agents. Suggestions of this Goddess were implanted as a means of disruption. The combination of hypnotic suggestions and mind altering drugs made it possible to compel people to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do.

Kaluvan and the other Oracles successfully move people’s hearts. They excitedly receive their “liberators” as brothers and sisters, only to be subjugated again. This time, by mass hypnosis which makes them fear losing their hard won “liberty” against a perpetual enemy, kept at bay by their new “protectors”.

(Pretty hamfisted, I know)
Conflict Breakdown:

[Antagonist has 3 credits left. This will be the final scene.]

Kaluvan, under the compulsion of his last vision, is still preaching the new Revelation to the crowd, as are other Oracles. They are all denouncing the Kinta’s lies in setting up a false worship, and suppressing the true Revelation.

Protag: Kaluvan’s intent is to figuratively open the gates of the invading army by opening the people’s hearts to them. The people will welcome the invaders as liberating brothers and sisters. They are God’s true army.

Step 1: Choose Minutiae from the Shock

Randomly choose 1d4 existing Minutae from the Shock associated with your Protagonist.

Is the current vision of God false? Is God in fact a Goddess? Is there no God? [Implied in narration but unanswered.]

Step 2: Choose Minutiae from the Issue(s)

For the Issue associated with your character, ask Mythic: Will any Minutae from this Issue be used? Odds 70 .

Is there a Goddess that can make you love her against your free will? Is the use of hypnosis in conjunction with Besh (or some other substance?) enough to do that? [implied in narration but unanswered conclusively]

Opposition is kept in check via the use of fear. [So far, I've only implied this in narration.]

The Kinta can and will control your major life decisions.

Step 3: Additional Minutiae

Ask Mythic: Will any additional Minutae be used? 30% answer-17-Yes

If Yes, randomly determine from which unused group (liklely other Issues) . Then randomly choose 1d4 minutiae. You will use them through the lens of your Shock/Issue intersection.

There is an underground conspiracy to undermine the current planetary order

Antagonist: The so-called Infidels had infiltrated the Oracles with their own agents. Suggestions of this Goddess were implanted as a means of disruption. The combination of hypnotic suggestions and mind altering drugs made it possible to compel people to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do. [already implied in the fiction]

Protag: Kaluvan’s intent is to figuratively open the gates of the invading army by opening the people’s hearts to them. The people will welcome the invaders as liberating brothers and sisters. They are God’s true army.

This is Submission to the new Revelation.

Submission vs Rebellion – 3: must roll over 3

3d10: 6,1,9 `

3d14: 1,3,2

Antag’s stake: Both the native underground resistance, and the visions of the “Goddess” are a creation of the so-called infidels’ agents [Ianego turned, and Sinamar]. After their “liberation”, they also exploit and control the population.

[Mythic twist: 34,58: Lie, Stalemate]

They are made to fear losing their new “protectors”, who protect their “liberty” against their enemies. The war against them is perpetually in stalemate. This is done via mass hypnosis.

They also begin to lie about threats to their newfound “liberation”

This is Lies.

Truth vs Lies 7: Must roll under 7.

[Will Mythic use 2d10 towards antag intent? 50% answer 19-yes]

2d10: 10,3

1d4: 2

[Will audience participate? 50% -13-yes. Will it help protag’s intent? 50%-No. Will it help antag’s intent? 50%-28 yes]

1d4: 4

They both accomplish their intent.

Kaluvan and the other Oracles successfully move people’s hearts. They excitedly receive their “liberators” as brothers and sisters, only to be subjugated again. This time, by mass hypnosis which makes them fear losing their hard won “liberty” against a perpetual enemy, kept at bay by their new “protectors”.

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