
Friday, April 27, 2012

Monomyth Structure: Session 13

A Surprise At The Second Flying Citadel 

[In the last session, Eli was under the FT's control, until he found a chance to make an escape with the fleeing convicts, due to the distraction caused by the approaching soldiers. He seems to have gotten around him momentarily, but it seems obvious he's not out of the picture. I am not sure when and how Eli will overcome the FT as a threshold guardian, but I have a few ideas of how it may play out.

In this session, the overarching monomyth thread will be to finally find the mentor, Camus.

I will also keep tyring to flesh out answers for the other questions about the threshold's qualities.

Since Eli was not in control at all, in the last session, the Chaos factor will be 7]

{Scene: Eli is running with the convicts who are too busy running away to notice him anyway.
Scene Unaltered}

[Question: It's Very Likely that it's dark by now. Is it?
roll: 68
answer: Yes
event: None

[Question: This means it's a near sure thing that some of the convicts will be picked off before they make it to the citadel. Are they?
roll: 98
answer: No
event: None

Already encroached by darkness, the convicts are attacked by the Scandonian vamps, but since the attackers are few, and the convicts are numerous, they are able to repel the attackers. Everyone makes it to the next wrecked citadel.

[Question: I think it's A Sure Thing that the other citadels are occupied already.
roll: 55
answer: Yes
event: Move toward a thread : Take Success

[Question: This must mean that Camus is actually in the citadel. Near Sure Thing odds.
roll: 24
answer: Yes
event: None

[Question: Does he let in the other convicts? I am not sure, so 50/50.
roll: 87
answer: No
event: None

[Question: It's more Likely that the convicts recognize Camus. Is that what happened?
roll: 34
answer: Yes
event: None

Eli hears some of the convicts say, "It's Camus!", and then he knows he's finally found him.

[Question: Do the convicts seem surprised to see him there? I'd figure he'd be inside the fortress-city, but maybe he's got a reason for not going in. Odds: 50/50
roll: 59
answer: Yes
event: None

The convicts seem surprised to see him there. Maybe he does live in the fortress-city after all.

[Question: Do they appear to fear him? Do they hesitate going in? Again, I don't know, specially in a place like this. 50/50.
roll: 57
answer: Yes
event: None

The convicts stop in their tracks.

[Question: do the convicts try to stop him? they're allegedly the worst of the worst, but there's always a somewhate decent person mixed in. It's very likely someone tries to at least advise him not to go.
roll: 21
answer: Yes
event: None

[Question: What does this person look like?
description: abnormally dull

A slow-witted looking fellow, altruistically holds Eli back by the arm saying. "Don't go. He will turn you into a turtle." [Rory Story cubes: tortoise. Maybe he's really as mad as Ainus said, and conducts mad scientist like atrocities.]

Eli wonders for a moment whether he should heed the advice. Ainus said Camus would help, but can he really trust Ainus? Still, what choice does he have. He continues on. [*My decision also comes from the fact that I'll frame the questions in a way that favors Camus helping Eli, since I know he is the Mentor, and Eli is the (whiny) hero]

[Question: What does Camus look like?
description: adventurously less

[Question: Does this mean he's extremely short but daring? Likely
roll: 47
answer: Yes
event: None

He also seems to carry some sort of gadget in his hand. (rory story cube: game controller)]

[Question: I don't know how Ainus would know that Camus was in this place unless he contacted him recently. It's Very Likely that Camus welcomes Eli.
roll: 68
answer: Yes
event: None

[Question: What is his demeanor towards Eli?
description: offensively masculine

The short man with the hairy chest and booming voice welcomes Eli by name. Then , like an Imperial commander taking in a novice, he informs Eli he has come to the right place if he wants to become a man.

[Question: Since the convicts were surprised to see him there, perhaps it means that he does live in the fortress-city. Eli asks him. Does he live there? Likely.
roll: 15
answer: Exceptional Yes
event: None

He rarely comes out.

[Question: Before agreeing to go, Eli asks him about turning men into turtles. Does he? Somewhat Likely, since even though the convict that said this looked slow-witted, the rest of the men did hesitate around him.
roll: 47
answer: Yes
event: None

[Question: Does he look annoyed about Eli's questions? I would be, so Likely.
roll: 20
answer: Yes
event: None

"Yes, I have," he says curtly. "You got this far, and it's your choice. Stay or come."

"I'll go with you," says Eli.

[Question: Do they head to the fotress-city in the mountain? Odds: has to be
roll: 61
answer: Yes
event: None

[Question: How does he do it?
description: ceaselessly modern

He summons a flying apparatus with the gadget he was holding.

[Question: What does this look like?
description: fiercely poor
Rory Story Cubes: A Foot

The machine looks vaguely like a starved ostrich with sharp teeth and dangerous looking spurs. Camus and Eli both sit on top, and it takes off running with a verbal command to the gadget. After running a distance, it extends its wings, and begins to gain altitude until they're flying towards the fortress-city.

Eli looks back at the convicts left below.

[Question: I am not sure if Camus did anything the convicts that were already inside the second flying citadel. I'd say chances are 50/50 that they are alive so. Are the convicts Eli came with by anyone in the citadel?
roll: 31
answer: Yes
event: None

The last thing Eli sees from the air before disappearing out of sight inside the Scandonian city-fortress is the two groups of convicts fighting each other for the right to be in the second citadel.

[note: I thought that finding Camus would take longer, and be more dangerous, but Mythic threw me a surprise early. The session was a lot shorter than expected as a result. ]

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