Even though my blog has been somewhat quiet, I've been busy trying to make concrete some of the thoughts I've had about a solo rpg'ing structure based on the monomyth. I've shared previous attempts, which were fun, but did not quite have the results or feel I wanted, so I've been tinkering a lot and play testing-- trying to make it simpler, clearer, more inspiring, and more fun to play (for me).
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Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
And the Liebster Blog Award goes to...
Ricardo, author of the Fantalonia blog was kind enough to nominate me for a Liebster Award. As he does a better job of explaining the award than I can, I'll quote him: "This is a kind of viral/blogger-to-blogger award meant to promote less known blogs (and well, it's nice to give and get some recognition.)"
The Rules:The Rules:
I have all the great RPG blogs I know of both on my blogroll, but also at this page. I wish I could nominate them all, but since I'm only allowed five of them, I'll nominate the ones I think are under-appreciated:

The Rules:The Rules:
- Copy and paste the award to your blog, linking it to the blog who nominated you.
- Pass the award to your top five blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their blog posts to notify them that they have won the award and list them on your own blog.
- Sit back and bask in that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you have made someone's day
- There is no obligation to pass this onto anyone but it is nice if you do.
I have all the great RPG blogs I know of both on my blogroll, but also at this page. I wish I could nominate them all, but since I'm only allowed five of them, I'll nominate the ones I think are under-appreciated:
- Battreps, by Aleksandar Šaranac: I have really enjoyed his solo rpg play reports. Those have been both highly entertaining and idea inspiring. Aleksandar has also been a very encouraging participant on my blog's comments, which is always appreciated.
- At the "Old Dessauer's Table" by Steve Turner: Unfortunately Steve has apparently taken his other blog The New Story Board down, but I first found a link to his Mythic GME stories on the Yahoo Mythic group. The stories I got the chance to read, along with sketches, were fun, and always made me want to play solo games. I hope he decides to put them up again.
- Dad by day, Geek by night by Joshua C: A relatively new solo blog which looks very promising to me. Joshua C posts are great resources for tools in the solo gaming trade. He has even built his own Mythic GME implementation in Python! How hardcore is that?
- Moni's catbox by Moni: I remember this author's posts from the Yahoo Mythic GME group. The blog is sparse, but the few posts that I've read there have been helpful. In particular, check out "Using Mythic with a module" from November 2009.
- Golden Ninja Warrior Chronicles by Jesus Manuel: This blog has absolutely nothing to do with RPGs, but it's one of my favorite resources for finding out the history behind those crazy and infamous Ninja movies that took old obscure 60's and 70's kung-fu movies and spliced them together with new Ninja footage. Some of the most popular of these, often had Richard Harrison as its star (who turned down a role as The Man With No Name in Sergio Leone's western, "For A Few Dollars"). If you have a geeky but sick sense of humor like me, you must get acquainted with these movies, and, of course, Jesus Manuel's blog.
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