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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Solo Story System

A quick "Solo Story System" a fellow created by a fellow who referred to it on another website (can't remember where). Looks interesting, if very very lightweight.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sercet Scene #1

Sercet is quietly sitting on a park, watching Rhea as she teaches them about the mysteries of God; about his Creaton. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and it shows in the way the children react to her. A part of him regrets not having the same gift for moving hearts, but that is His will.
He becomes aware of the joy inside him, of which she is the cause. He wonders: Does she even suspect how deep his feelings go? 

Will the antagonist try to undermine Rhea's faith? 50% 87 No. The children's faith.
Will it come from one of the children? 60% 22 Yes
Random Event: NPC Action
Event Meaning: 92 Vengeance
Event Action:  38 A Path

As Sercet is watching, he notices two of the little boys shoving each other. The bigger one ends up hitting the smaller one, who starts to bawl. He can't hear, but it's plain that Rhea is scolding the boys as she separates them.  The boys seem to be listening to their yasu, but the older brat suddenly throws a temper tantrum at something Rhea said. Sercet clearly hears him screech, "I wish I was Kinta, then I could do whatever I want!" The boy suddenly becomes aware of Sercet, and breaks into tears.

Sercet approaches the boy with the intention of calming him down. While he wants the child's respect, he does not want his fear.

(See conflict here.)
First he greets, Rhea. They do not touch foreheads, as that would be much too familiar. A slight bow of his head is more than appropriate, "Greetings, yasu Rhea."

"Greetings, yassat Sercet," she responds, her voice sounding pleased, and her eyes smiling.

"Yasu, would you be offended if I talk to the child?"

"Of course not. Please do as you wish. His name is Haroun."

Kneeling before the boy, who, out of fear, has stopped crying, "No need to fear, young man. I am not here to punish anyone."

As the young man, between sniffles, still did not reply, Sercet continued: "Truth be told, Haroun, I only came here because I did not want you to cry or be scared. I think it's good for you to speak your mind."

He could see the question in Haroun's face, "Really?"

Sercet made an affirmative gesture with his head. "I also speak my mind when people do things they shouldn't do, including other Kinta."

"You do?", Haroun finally speaks.

"Yes, my friend. If I think that someone in the Kinta has done any wrongdoing, should I not say something?"

Haroun thinks, "I suppose you should, yassat."

"I think so too. We are supposed to be guardians of the flock. I will not let anyone, Kinta or not, do as they please if it harms even one of God's children. Do you understand?"

At this, Haroun smiles, satisfied with Sercet's explanation. "Yes, yassat."

"Now, don't you think you owe an apology to your friend, and to yasu Rhea for how you behaved?"

Haroun, looking subdued, "Yes, yassat."

"Good. Remember, care for your brothers and sisters. We are all from God. Now,  your yasu and your friends are waiting for you. Go now with my blessing, my child."

Sercet's Scene #1: Conflict Breakdown

Is Mythic going to enter into conflict with me? 80% 45 - Yes

Sercet's stakes:
If Sercet wins, he is able to calm the boy, and strengthen the children's faith with his talk to them.

Antagonist stakes:

If Mythic wins, does his talk induce one of the children closest to Rhea to "rat her out", unintentionally. The child says something that shows Rhea's thinking is at odds with the Kinta.

Sercet will use Truth, as his Faith compells him to understand it.

Truth vs Lies 6: Need to roll over 6.
2d10: 5, 10
1d4: 3

Antagonist/Mythic will use Truth.
Will Mythic use more than 4 credits? 50% 54 No
Will it use 4 credits? 50% Yes
Will it use 3d10? No

Truth vs Lies: 5. Need to roll over 5
2d10: 4, 7.
1d4: 2

Will the Audience participate? 50%: 65 No

Sercet roll, after modifiers, succeeds. (10-2 = 8)

Antagonist roll, after modifiers, fails. (7-3=4).

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kaluvan's Scene #1 - Conflict Breakdown

I don’t want Kaluvan to surrender yet. So, I will resist this. Does Mythic agree? 50% 56 No. There’s a conflict.


Kaluvan: If I win, Kaluvan not only does not surrender, but he comes out of the trance.

Antagonist: If Mythic wins, Kaluvan retains no conscious memory of this episode as Sinamar guides him into burying it away in the recesses of his mind.

Kaluvan will use Truth, because this does not match his conception of Truth as he believes it to be:

Praxis: Truth vs Lies - 4

2d10: 5,3 (Need to roll over 4)



Mythic will use 2 credits (11 credits left after this).

Will Mythic use Submission vs Rebellion? 50% 42 Yes

Will it use Submission? 50% 63 No. It will use Rebellion as Sinamar is acting in rebellion to the current order. 

Praxis: Submission vs Rebellion 7

1d10: 3 (Need under 7)

1d4: 4


Will the audience use its dice? 50% 53Yes

Will it use it to help Kaluvan? 50% 62 No

It will be used to help Sinamar. Since it cannot change the result of her stake, it helps her 1d4.

1d4: 2 (Would be used to help Antagonist's 1d10 or 1d4, but it's not needed)

Kaluvan cannot resist and after much struggle, surrenders to Her.
Sinamar succeeds in guiding Kaluvan towards burying this memory.

Kaluvan wins a new Feature as a result of this conflict: "Can I ever be in control of my real self?"

Kaluvan's Scene #1

Does the color White signify purity in this culture? 65% 95: No
Knowledge? 65% 21: Yes
Are people forced to serve as Oracles? 30% 64: No
Coerced? 60% 39: Yes

The white halij that covers Kaluvan doesn’t feel so alien any longer. The hall he now walks in has become as familiar as the purification ritual that awaits him. The columns that reach up into the frescoed sky still humble him, however; everything in the Sacred City still fills him with awe -- imperfect as it must be compared to the wonders of Paradise.

Two years have passed since he was chosen to serve as Medium; since he had to choose between those he loves and God. Erishti, strong in her faith, gave him the strength to do what's right. Little Nok was too young to understand. Kaluvan knows he should not feel guilty, but his boy's tears are still etched in his memory. Only the knowledge that his sacrifice pleases God, and the knowledge that he'll see them again in due time, keeps him going.

He has now arrived for his purification, as today he will again be one with God; the privileged recipient of His will for His people.

Will Kaluvan meet his old friend now? 60% 94 No (I was asking if he'd meet his Antagonist now)
Does Kaluvan’s purification involve someone else? 50% 36 Yes
Will it be someone familiar this time? 50% 16 Yes
Is it a male? 60% 71 No
(It begs the question.) Does purification involve ritual sexual contact? 30% 83 No

Kaluvan finds that Sinamar is already waiting for him. Though physically younger, she is his elder in the faith having been a servant for much longer than him.

“I see a dark cloud obscuring your peace, Kaluvan.”

Feeling somewhat guilty, Kaluvan admits “I was thinking of Nok. Erishti.”

“Do not feel guilt for the love you feel,” says Sinamar as she grasps his head and touches her forhead to his in greeting. “You will see them again. Soon. Isho”

“Isho. Yes, if He so wills it.”

“Should we begin?”

“Yes, Sinamar.”

Sinamar's voice is like a songbird taking flight; her chanting soothing to his soul. Soon, she will stop her prayers and begin to guide him to that place of peace where he can empty himself; where he can become a vessel to be filled by His Will.

“As you follow the light, Kaluvan, let all your thoughts melt like snow...into nothingness...We are but a speck in the totality...of the totality...we become nothing and everything.”

Soon, Kaluvan finds himself ready.

Does Sinamar inject him with something painful? 60% 17 Yes
Is God a female? 50% 03 Extreme Yes

Suddenly, he feels fire inside his neck, coursing through his veins and into his head. Helpless to stop it. “What’s happening!”, but the words do not even take form.

He hears Her call him, “Kaluvan”. Her? How can that be? “Trust” Her? Something has gone wrong. Sinamar must be playing a trick on him. Mischief. It's not like her. “Kaluvan. My child. I am calling all my children to me. Surrender, and do my will.”

* I did not want him to surrender, but Mythic initiated the First Shock: Social Science Fiction conflict here- see breakdown in separate post (blog)*
Kaluvan used Truth  for this roll, as his sense of Truth, what he's always believed is being challenged.
The Antagonist, per Mythic, used Rebellion. This is interpreted as the Antagonist character being used Rebelling against the current order.

Surrender? Yes...No! It is not right. "My child...come to me." Kaluvan struggles with all his will, but slowly he realizes he cannot win this battle. It is Mother after all. We all must go to her; surrender to her love. "My child, this is my will. For all of you. My revelation."

Kaluvan vainly tries to hold on to this wonderful feeling, to this moment, but everything fades back into Sinamar's worried visage. He only remembers being guided into Emptiness, then...nothing.

Sinahar sees the question reflected in his eyes, "What happened?"

"Kaluvan, you had a reaction to the Bhesh when you inhaled it."

Is this unheard of? 50% 52 No

Kaluvan knows that certain states of mind can be dangerous while under the influence of the Bhesh. He already begins to feel embarrassed and guilty, yet something still tugs at him.

"Forgive me, Sinamar, for my sentimentality. I should be more disciplined."

Caressing his face, "Do not apologize, sweet Kalu. Your love for your family is a bright light in darkness." Pressing her forehead to his, "Wait here while I call for someone to tend to you. Isho."


Sunday, December 12, 2010


Issue: Greed

Shock: God For A Day

  • Unspiritual. Does not believein God.
  • Does not care about the non-ruling caste, only in how their efforts maintain his leisurely lifestyle.
  • Uses religion to maintain his power
  • I have been too lenient with Cavanu. [Feature gained as result of conflict failure on scene #1]
  • Highest level members of the Kinta, of which he is one.
  • There is no God.

Story Goal: Become a martyr.

Praxis Scale
Submission vs Rebellion - 4
Truth vs Lies- 5

Erro’s Antagonist

Those opposed to the current order.

Submission vs Rebellion 6
Truth vs Lies 4


Issue: Free Will
Shock: God For A Day


  • Transform-Balance
    • Change is how God brings balance.
  • Deceive-Evil
    • Untruth is an abomination.
  • Work Hard- Good
    •  Must work for the better good with diligence
  • Can I ever be in control of my real self?
  • Neglect- Misfortune
    • Nok and Erishti. The family he left behind to answer God's call
  • Work Hard - Good
    • God rewards sacrifice.
Story Goal:
  • Open-Military
    • Open the gates for God's Army
Praxis Scale

Submission vs Rebellion - 3
Truth vs Lies - 4

Kaluvan’s Antagonist

  • Return-Love
    • Ianego: old childhood friend who was like a brother.
  • Attach-Ambush
    • Kaluvan and Ianego still share a strong childhood bond, which Kanego can exploit.

Submission vs Rebellion 7
Truth vs Lies 7


Issue: Sabotage
Shock: God For A Day

  • Crisis- Restlessness
    •  Feels restless. A premonition that disaster is at hand.
  • Doing - Persuasion
    • Hearts must be moved to action.
  • Resolve-Learning
    • The truth will bring resolution one way or another.

  • Attach - Intrigues
    • Rhea. He secretly is in love with her free and bright spirit, in an otherwise solemn life calling.
  • Work Hard - Magic
    • Devotion to God brings about miracles.

Story Goal
  • Desert Emotions: To feel abandoned and broken hearted.  
Praxis Scale
Submission vs Rebellion - 8
Truth vs Lies - 6

Sercet’s Antagonist:

  • Triumph-Liberty
    • Faction of rebellion that want “liberation” in the total sense: from the Kinta, and from religion.
  • Develop-Pain
    • Debilitating illness that has set upon him.

Submission vs Rebellion 6

Truth vs Lies 5

Shock: God For A Day - Minutae

  • Recruit, A Plot
    • Subjects often serve God by being recruited to fullfill and fulfill his Divine Design as defined by the leadership.  
  • Divide, Advice
    • It is the will of the All Kowing that a select few of his servants live apart from the rest of his subjects, in the glorious Sacred City.

Shock: God For A Day - Fleshing out the Issues

  • Issue: Greed 
    • Debase Reality: Your dreams, your problems, your hopes, your whole life, your reality is unimportant insofar as it doesn't serve your God and his Grand Design. All your energies are to be devoted to Him and his glorification.
    • Intolerance Dreams: Other creeds or philosopies are against the law as all resources must go to the service of God.
  • Issue: Sabotage
    • There is an underground conspiracy to undermine the current planetary order.
  • Issue: Free Will
    • Bestow Fears: Opposition is kept in check via the use of fear.
    • Communicate Dispute: Speaking out against those over you is to rebel against God.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shock: God For A Day - Fleshing out the Shock

I originally fleshed out the Shock and  Issues previously: Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Fleshing out the Shock Pt 1 (Brainstorming interpretations for Mythic's "suggestions") and
Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Brainstorming for Issues

Here I will attempt to do so again, using the same action/subject values that Mythic provided before. Hopefully these interpretations will be more workable and coherent.

Fleshing out the Shock:

  • Refuse Opulence:
    • The persons chosen to serve as God cannot have any personal property.
  • Recruit The Mundane:
    • Chosen ones are almost never from the ruling class, The Kinta, who also happen to be the enforcers.
  • Extravagance Expectations:
    • Serve God in this world, expect amazing rewards in the next world.
  • Subjects are induced to connect to the Godhead via a natural chemical that affects brain waves.

Shock: God for a Day - redux

I tried finishing the Shock + GME game I had started, but I became bored and discouraged towards the end. There were just too many problems with the way I was doing things. I can think of a few right off the bat:
  •  getting into conflicts way too early. Probably a result of:
  • not making enough use of Mythic boolean questions to flesh out scenes, thus the scenes were pretty much flavorless
  • not paying enough attention to each character's issues to drive the scenes, which led the stories in directions that had nothing to do with the issues
  • not paying enough attention to the shock, which also left the scenes pretty flavorless
Basically, what I have on my notebook looks more like a plot outline than a fleshed out story.

So, I'll probably post my unfinished first try at some point, but I plan to re-play this game keeping in mind the above points. I'll still keep the same shock and issues, but the re-tread will be more focused, and more fleshed out.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Scrap notes: Automating Questions asked to Mythic GME

This post may re-hash some old ideas that I've gathered from others, but hopefully there are some "fresh" ideas in here as well, if not a better structure to what has already been suggested.

Regardless, my obsession with obtaining the illusion that I'm not driving an RPG story continues.The way that Mythic GME works is that the player asks it questions, which it answers via the "mental ink blotch" to paraphrase one member of the Mythic group. It's a simple, clean and brilliant idea; a gigantic step in the direction I want to go-- which is to reliquish as much control as I can to the system.

Tom Pigeon, creator of Mythic, points out in the text that players can potentially "cheat" by framing questions in a certain way. Having the ability to choose what questions you ask still gives the player a huge amount of control over what territory the story will go into. So it seems logical to me that in order to achieve that goal, maybe I should let the system dictate what questions get asked. The only control I want to have is how my PC reacts.

So here is an example of what I'm thinking about (a random table to generate open ended questions for the "setting/scenery"):

So, for example, I might generate questions like:
"Who was the house constructed by?" and then have Mythic GME answer. To me, this would enrich the world in unexpected ways.
My further thought is that you could have similar tables customized for NPC demeanors, or even for generating the situation (though Mythic already does that).
I can see how having many tables could slow down the action, but if these were stored inside a program, then the generation of them would be a breeze. I have further thoughts on how to structure all of this further, which I need to work out, but I guess I would describe it as a loose map, where the outlines are the questions, placed at certain pre-determined points in the road (interesting post here).

Edit 11/21/2010:

I tried playing around with a couple of tables for a short noir scene, but it didn't quite work the way I expected. I had a "life path" table and a "location" table. The life path table generated some interesting questions, which fleshed out my protagonist, but it didn't generate a lot of what I considered important questions such as profession, etc. Either I need to change my thinking about what is important, or I need to work something else out.

I'm thinking that maybe a flowchart with what the player considers essential questions about a character might work better, and then another table to further flesh out the character in unexpected ways. Likewise, straight old fashioned tables with things like professions, or a real "life path" table like the Cyberpunk one might be what is needed.

The "location" table was even less successful, in my estimation. I just didn't care for what I was rolling, but then again I was just rolling at random, just to swee what kind of questions would be generated. Again, I'm now thinking that old fashioned table with types of terrains, etc, would be more appropriate to front load a sort of area map. The "location questions" table could still be helpful in giving that area map some color and history.

In a nutshell, have old fashioned tables, or a flowchart, to build a sort of skeleton for your characters, and locations. Then save the question generating tables for the fleshing out.

The problem is going to be coming up with a tight set of entries in those tables that do not generate nonsensical questions. Perhaps it would help to keep the questions as yes/no type questions, and avoid complex questions.

If all of that still does not work the way I expect, another approach I'm thinking about is filing away one's interpretations of Mythic's answers into a table, except those interpretations should be somewhat vague. More specific that mythic's word combinations, but vague enough like a horoscope. Enough for you to fill in some blanks, but give you structure.

Starting to get hot for RPGs again

Like I mentioned in one of my first posts, my obsessions seem to have an ebb and flow. Right now my mind is still obsessed with chess, but I'm starting to hear the call of RPGs again.

Right now I'm just back to thinking of how to supplement Mythic's GME to help me get closer to the feel I want for a solo-RPG. My "holy grail" is still to get the feeling or illusion that I'm not driving the story. I really want that out of my hands as much as possible. Mythic's GME is a huge step in that direction, but I want to go farther. I'll be posting some notes on that.  

I also want to go back to my unfinished Shock playtest. I felt I was kind of running into a wall with some of the characters, but I didn't want to "cheat" by breaking the rules I had set up (i.e. taking too much control). I need to review the game and hopefully glean some lessons on how to make it all run smoother.

Automated GM Tool:

To start using this tool, go to the bottom of the log window and click on either radio button. After the tool is started, events will pop out at random intervals between 5 and 10 minutes. In between events, play your solo game as you normally would, and let the alerts surprise you at random times.

Some advice:

Play fast and loose with the interpretations, and  treat the keywords as optional inspiration. Give yourself no more than one or two minutes to interpret what the tool throws at you. Ignore input that you can't interpret in this time, or place it into a 'backlog' bucket to take care of it at a later time. You can look at the 'backlog' each time a new event comes up, and handle them together as you see fit.

Feedback in the form of impressions and suggestions on  making  this tool better is appreciated. Let me know what you like, what you don't like (e.g. are the random time intervals too long? Too short?), and what you would change (would you rewrite some of the directives? Some of the keywords?).

I hope you enjoy using it!

Game Log :

Start Mythic GM
Start Fictional Positioning GM

This is yet another take on the Mythic GME's idea of random events that throw the player twists that they must incorporate into their game. The Mythic GM works as usual, with the twist that now events will come up without any input from the player (i.e. no interaction with the fate chart, or whatever). 

The rest of this post will focus on the "Fictional Positioning GM" (boring name). This tool is based, obviously, on Mythic events, but also on my (mis-?) understanding of fictional positioning from posts I've read around the net. The tool is meant to create resistance or "pushback" by challenging a player’s fictional positioning. This tool attempts to approximate the feeling of resistance provided by another player that challenges what you are trying to insert into the fiction.

The way the tool attempts to do this is by interrupting the player’s flow with a set of directives that I unimaginatively call Fictional Alterations, along with a set of Random Keywords meant to help with inspiration. Your job then is to ask, “What is the tool trying to change, and how?” The “what” should generally be the last piece of fiction that was set down. Think of it as the tool saying, “Hold up one second. It’s not exactly like that.” The “how” depends on how you interpret the Alterations and Keywords.

A note on interpretation: Give yourself wide latitude in your interpretations, and also feel free to ignore any and all keywords if it speeds things up. However, do keep in mind that the tool is trying to provide resistance, so don’t shy away from interpretations that add wrinkles or obstacles.

Once you’ve made sense of the Alteration and Keywords, you have two options: Go along with the change (‘say yes’ to the ‘GM’, haha), or declare a conflict. How the conflict is played through depends on what type of conflict system the RPG you are playing has. If the conflict system handles narrative control, the conflict will likely be about what goes into the fiction. If the conflict system is less explicitly about narrative control, (say a system that only allows you to alter the fiction through attributes and skills), you might have to deal with the Alteration AFTER it enters the fiction. **

**Say, for example, that the tool seems to suggest that an enemy attacks you and wounds you. If the conflict system is more heavily about narrative control, you may be contesting the very fact that the enemy enters the picture. If the conflict system is less explicit about narrative control, you may not be able to contest that fact, but you may still be able to avoid the attack, via say a high “Charisma” attribute, or a high skill in combat. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Chessmaster first game with new profile

Fantastic! This is your first victory against Seb.

An unexpected (and outstanding) win against a higher rated opponent, by taking advantage of the enemy’s blunders. Bravo!

Game type: Blunder

Current position score before blunder: 202

Opening used: French Defense / Classical Variation / MacCutcheon Variation

Best move: 52, ‹d5, Increase: 82.60

Worst move: 15, ‡a2, Decrease: 3.64

Mate opportunities: 8

Suggested opponent: Marie (rating 1659)

Your rating increased by 787 points and is now 1687.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Low level Chessmaster X tourney

Name Wins Draws Losses Games Score

Alex 6 0 0 6 6.0

Monique 3 1 2 6 3.5

Andre 3 1 2 6 3.5

Ben 3 0 3 6 3.0

Cassie 2 0 4 6 2.0

Pete 1 2 3 6 2.0

Niko 0 2 4 6 1.0

Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

1.Alex XXX 1.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 6.0/6

2.Monique 0.0/1 XXX 0.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 0.5/1 3.5/6

3.Andre 0.0/1 1.0/1 XXX 0.0/1 1.0/1 0.5/1 1.0/1 3.5/6

4.Ben 0.0/1 0.0/1 1.0/1 XXX 0.0/1 1.0/1 1.0/1 3.0/6

5.Cassie 0.0/1 0.0/1 0.0/1 1.0/1 XXX 0.0/1 1.0/1 2.0/6

6.Pete 0.0/1 0.0/1 0.5/1 0.0/1 1.0/1 XXX 0.5/1 2.0/6

7.Niko 0.0/1 0.5/1 0.0/1 0.0/1 0.0/1 0.5/1 XXX 1.0/6

Monique vs Alex -- White is Checkmated

Ben vs Cassie -- White is Checkmated

Niko vs Pete -- Draw by Agreement

Cassie vs Niko -- Black is Checkmated

Alex vs Ben -- Black is Checkmated

Andre vs Monique -- Black is Checkmated

Ben vs Andre -- Black is Checkmated

Niko vs Alex -- White is Checkmated

Pete vs Cassie -- Black is Checkmated

Alex vs Pete -- Black is Checkmated

Andre vs Niko -- Black is Checkmated

Monique vs Ben -- Black is Checkmated

Niko vs Monique -- Draw by Agreement

Pete vs Andre -- Draw by Agreement

Cassie vs Alex -- White is Checkmated

Andre vs Cassie -- Black is Checkmated

Monique vs Pete -- Black is Checkmated

Ben vs Niko -- Black is Checkmated

Pete vs Ben -- White is Checkmated

Cassie vs Monique -- White is Checkmated

Alex vs Andre -- Black is Checkmated

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Erro's Scene #1 (Me)

Note: I don't have my notes with me, so I'm writing down the game events from memory.

Scene setup:

  • Me: Erro is sitting in his Kinta office. As is usual, he is in a meeting with one of his subordinates, discussing the particulars of a routine case. Erro is no longer directly involved in investigations, or in dirty dealings. He carries that out through his subordinates, in a mutually beneficial way: He gets recognition for having a stellar team that gets thing done. His subordinates learn the ins and outs of his way of conducting business, and they get the benefits and favor from a high ranking official such as him.
  • M2: (Investigate)(Intrigues): After Erro's meeting, his assistant informs him that a young investigator named Dygojikan has left a message requesting a meeting. It regards one of the more recent cases which his protégé, Rupko, had worked on. He has requested that Erro get back to him.
  • Me: Erro instructs his assistant to convey how busy his office is, and to direct the young investigator to the case files on record. Erro knows that they are in order, and it's very unlikely anyone will find anything untowards in them.
  • M2:(Spy)(Love): Erro's assistant says that the investigator has a witness in Rupko's lover, who was sent as a spy.

We have a Conflict:

  • Me: If Erro wins, everything in the case files is found to conform to the rules, and no evidence of wrongdoing is found for this case. The only thing the investigator would have is the word of the spy, which is not enough to charge anyone with a crime. This is an act of conformity.
  • M2: (??)(Inside) If M2 wins, someone close to Erro agrees to gather evidence and inform on him. This is an act of love for justice.

  • Me: Failed roll
  • M2: Succeeded roll
  • Interpretation: Rupko was not thoroughly careful and left enough evidence of case tampering which the spy found. As a result, Rupko will be charged, which at the very least will make Erro look bad. The young investigator, Dygojikan, also convinced someone close to Erro to find evidence of Erro's corruption.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Sercet's Scene #1 (M1)

To begin, I will let Mythic Player 1 (M1) "describe" what Sercet, his young scientist-priest is doing. The scene should be static.

M1: (Harm)(Environment)

Scene Interpretation: Sercet is, as usual, busy at his lab. This time he is selectively destroying cells in his neuron cell culture. His obession is to understand the process whereby the brain allows a person to be one with God.
The scene thus set, now it's the Antagonist's turn to push the Protagonist.

M2: (Violate)(Bureocracy)
Scene Interpretation: Sercet's assistant interrupts him, to let him know of a bureocracy official who wishes to talk to him. Sercet receives the official and learns that the equipment logs indicate that proper procedure has not been followed in procuring lab equipment. This will be grounds for a fine and a suspension.
This is our first Conflict. The stakes are as follows:

M1: (Block)(Plans): If Sercet wins, he produces proof that procedure was followed, and thus convinces the bureocrat that a system error must have ocurred during record keeping. He is using love of his research to convince the bureocrat.

2d10: 4, 10
M2: 4d4: 4, 2, 2, 3

          M1 succeeds with 10, but M2 has a 4 opposing roll. M1 roll now falls at 6, right on the fulcrum.
          Escalate: The bureocrat is adamant that the system makes no mistake. The argument becomes more contentious.
M2 gets to say what happens if this escalated roll fails:
  • (Trick)(Anger) If M1 fails the roll, Sercet loses his temper and attacks the bureocrat. This will cause the permanent termination of his research.
2d10: 6, 1

M2: 4d4: 2,  3, 4, 1

M1 fails.

M2: (Extravagance)(Legal Matters): If M2 (antagonist bureocrat) wins, Sercet's mentor, the retired scientist-priest, is charged with heresy and arrested. This is an act of conformity.
         1d10: 4

         M1: 1d4: 3
 M2 fails.
Me (audience roll):
  • 1d4: 3 (will not use it)
Interpretation of results:

Sercet loses his temper and shoves the bureocrat. This prompts disciplinary action and his research project is shut down, and he is also suspended.

M1: (Take)(Love) Charges against the retired scientist are dismissed. Rumor has it that an influential friend had a hand in that decision.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Antagonist Outlines


M1's antagonist player: M2

Antagonist concept: (Triumph)(Liberty): Leader of a clique of scientist-rebels who want him to support their efforts to undermine the religion.

Antagonist Minutia:
  • (Develop)(Pain)
Praxis Scales

Comformity vs Non-Comformity -4
Love vs Hate - 5

M2's antagonist player: Me

Antagonist concept: (Return) (Love): The orphan's parents, who have returned, professing that they never stopped loving the orphan, and were instead forced away for perceived sins.

Antagonist Minutia:
  • (Attach)(Ambush)
Praxis Scale:
Comformity vs Non-Comformity - 7
Love vs Hate - 7

My antagonist player: M1
Antagonist concept: Rival within the Kinta, who wants to get Erro out of the way.
Antagonist Minutia:

Praxis Scale:

Comformity vs Non-Comformity - 6
Love vs Hate - 4

Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Praxis Scales

Praxis Scales represent the ways in which anything is done in this world. They will be used in Conflict.

Praxis Scales:
  • Comformity vs. Nonconformity
  • Altruism vs. Selfishness
  • Love vs. Hate
I decided to broaden the second praxis to Love vs. Hate, based on the character concepts, features, etc, it made more sense to me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mythic GME & Shock: Social Science Fiction: Protagonists

Player: M1

Character concept: (Starting)(Intrigues): Younger, new scientist-priest, whose brilliant discoveries have begun to fascinate his colleagues.
Shock: God For A Day
Issue: Sabotage
Name: Sercet

  • (crisis)(restlesness): Edgy and impatient when faced with a dilemma.
  • (doing)(persuasion): Persuasive in his arguments.
  • (resolve)(learning): Tenacious in the search for knowledge.

  • (Attach)(Intrigues): Rather fond of a retired scientist-priest with radical ideas.
  • (Work Hard) (Magic): Obsessed with explaining the supernatural in terms of science.

Story Goal: (Desert)(Emotions): Transcend all passions.

Praxis Scale:

Comformity vs Non-Comformity - 8
Love vs. Hate - 6
Player: M2

Character concept: (Take)(A Burden): Pious Kinta (Inquisition) member who considers it his obligation to protect the flock.
Shock: God For A Day
Issue: Free Will
Name: Kaluvan


  • (Transform)(Balance): Believes that the only way to protect the flock is to change all balance of power to the Kinta (Inquisition).  
  • (Deceive)(Evil) : Will battle against the evil ones who deceive the flock.
  • (Work Hard)(Good): Dedicates all his energy to the greater good.


(Neglect)(Misfortune): Deeply cares about an orphan abandoned and neglected by his sinful parents.

(Work Hard) (Good): The Kinta (Inquisition)

Story Goal: (Open)(Military): Put all of the ruling power directly into the hands of the Kinta (Inquisition).

Praxis Scale:

Comformity vs Non-Comformity - 3

Love vs. Hate - 4

Player: ME

Character concept: Higher level official of the Kinta, who has attained power by setting up and then busting those dealers he supplied with the illicit drug Lilik (Union).

Shock: God For A Day

Issue: Greed

Name: Erro

  • Pious on the surface, but secretly cynical.
  • His only honest devotion, other than power, is his handicapped brother.
  • Has corrupted his subordinates as well.
  • His handicapped brother.
  • The belief that God is a self-inflicted lie.
Story Goal: To pay for his transgressions (comeuppance).

Praxis Scale:

Comformity vs Non-Comformity - 4

Love vs. Hate - 5


Whew, it took me a while to come up with my character, in a way that made sense to me. I hope this habit of being so picky pays off.
As I was thinking about this character, I also began to worry that the Shock is not permeating the Issues directly enough. Or, more accurately, that the real Shock is not actually to be God For A Day, but the belief that Godhood can be attained through technology. Nonetheless, I've decided to leave things as they are, and chalk it off to experience if things don't work out as expected in this first game.

Note: I also used Bruce's suggestion to look at other languages, and derived the names loosely from foreign translations of their issues (Sabotage, Free Will and Greed).

On the next two posts, I hope to flesh out the Antagonists and decide on the Praxis scales.